Pier And Beam

Enlist Mendoza Foundation Repairs For Pier and Beam Foundation Repair. Contractors Stop Costly Damage.

Pier and Beam Foundation Repair, Dallas, Fort Worth, Arlington TX Pier and beam foundation repair resolves a large variety of issues. Mendoza Foundation Repairs is a contractor that prevents foundation damage and preserves valuable property. Our company services the entire DFW metroplex, including Arlington, Fort Worth and Dallas. To obtain a free estimate and minimize pier and beam foundation repair costs, call us today.

About Pier and Beam Foundation Repair Service:

  • Homeowners enlist pier and beam foundation repair contractors to restore foundations to their correct position. Sagging, sloping or buckling floors are common issues with pier and beam foundations.
  • Installing foundation piers is part of fixing foundation damage on pier and beam houses. HD Foundations installs pressed concrete foundation piers and pressed steel piers. These pilings are used to support the weight of a structure and make the house level. A damaged home might be lifted 1/2″, or it could be elevated 2-4″ or more.
  • It’s a costly mistake to delay in fixing a foundation. Over time a pier and beam house can disintegrate. Due to North Texas soil movement, Arlington, Dallas and Fort Worth homeowners often develop pier and beam foundation repair issues.
  • Crawl space problems require attention. Warped floor joists, twisting or rotten beams, and corroded sill plates lead to serious trouble. Drain installations may be required to eliminate water in crawl spaces.


How Contractors Stop Pier and Beam Foundation Repair Issues:

Mendoza Foundation Repairs terminates them by driving pressed concrete foundation piers or pressed steel piers deep into the soil. These pilings help end common problems with pier and beam foundations. Fort Worth pier and beam foundation repair on damaged house.

In some cases, contractors install steel foundation shims on top of existing foundation piers or block and base support columns. Unlike the wooden shims installed in the 30’s, 40’s and 50’s, the 1/4″ steel shims used today don’t splinter or disintegrate. They work to preserve foundations.

Contractors in Arlington, Fort Worth and Dallas also stop pier and beam foundation repair concerns by removing and replacing rotten wood in crawl spaces. We install new support beams and joists. When appropriate, Mendoza Foundation Repairs also re-shim foundations. Our company even installs drains in wet crawl spaces and yards.


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